"To Be or Not To Be... Stoked for Shakespeare... with Miss Z"

For the Students

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Objective Statements: Students will be able to:


-orally read Shakespeare’s stanzas in Old English

 -chronologically develop a timeline of surrounding historical events

-summarize the main points of Hamlet’s readings

 -describe the characters of the play and distinguish a three dimensional character from a flat character

 -describe the meaning of a tragedy in Shakespeare’s time and in terms of today. 

 -Given an important quote, the 10th grade English students will be able to identify who said it and provide the context in which the statement was delivered in the play.


Students will be demonstrating the elements of performance levels associated with Wisconsin’s WKCE State Standards of Grade 10 Reading



-interpreting the meaning of figurative language, using context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words and determining which meaning of a multiple-meaning word is used in a text

-identifying stated relationships among story elements and drawing conclusions about characters based on stated information in a portion of or throughout a text

-distinguishing among relatively more or less important details that support a main idea. 
Viewing the following links will be to your benefit, as they will provide you with an overview of key concepts to know about Shakespeare and his plays.  I may draw questions from these readings and video clips, so please check them out before class, as we will be discussing their content next week.

All about Hamlet

For more information about Shakespeare, his writings, and his other plays go to

More Shakespeare

A link to Sparknotes on Hamlet's Major Character Analysis

See Mel Gibson's Hamlet on video or watch clips on YouTube: